Okay, I have time for one more post before I'm off to get married.
I made it through Monday and Tuesday and now it's on to Wednesday! Things start happening on Wednesday - 2 of my best friends fly into town, my parents, brother and sister arrive, I move out of Barb's to my cousin's place for the rest of the week, and probably other things, but I can't think of them right now.
Speaking of moving out of Barb's, this is it!! Tonight is my last night in my bed. It's also my last night sleeping solo because I share a bed with my cousin Jenna for the rest of the week. I guess it's a good warm-up for the rest of my life ;)
I'm sad to be leaving Barb's so am trying not to think about it. We've had a terrific 4.5 years!! Sure, it wasn't the easiest time and we've both had our ups and downs personally, emotionally, physically, and so on. But we've had some fun little traditions... Chili's dates on Friday nights. Hanging out with each other and talking while getting ready for bed. Saturday night fall-asleep-on-Barb's-bed routine while watching Saturday Night Live. Helping care for each other when we had injuries, surgeries, or weren't feeling well. And just simply sharing life together! I've felt privileged to be Barb's "significant other" (at least more so than anyone else) while I've lived with her.
So tonight is my last night in my bed, living with Barb. I (obviously) wouldn't change it, but I'll miss our little life!!
Today was also my last Starbucks date with God before the wedding. Maybe not my last date with God before Sunday, but my last lunch-time-Starbucks date. At one point I had estimated the number of pages I'd write in my journal before the wedding and I was only 2 pages off!
As I journaled today, I reflected on how my single journey is nearly over, only 5 more days! I sure had a good run!! I emailed my friend Stacey that I appreciated her friendship over the past 2 years because I felt like she helped me really fully live out my last single year! Over the past several years I had begun to try and prepare myself for the potential that "the one" wouldn't come along. Sure, I'm young, but I wanted to get used to the idea just in case. I think I got so used to the idea that I was almost surprised when he came along and was thrilled when we got engaged!! And today, the reality that I'm getting married in 5 days to my best friend and favorite person in the world, warms my heart and makes me so thankful to God's gift of Mark! The years of waiting and the fears that it wouldn't happen has made it all even sweeter! I can't believe the waiting and wondering and hoping is over! I can't even begin to express how thankful I am!! I keep trying and I can't see to even come close.
Thank you God, for my future husband!!! Please help me love and respect and never take him for granted, for the rest of my life!!!