Friday, July 20, 2007

A day when...

Today is a day that I can't believe I'm getting married!! In a good way ;)

Our wedding is only 6 weeks from Sunday. 44 days away.

We already have RSVPs.

Most of my friends have their plane tickets purchased to come out.

I spent yesterday evening at the new apartment with Mark, making dinner, working on a project, bringing more of my belongings over. It's exciting to think that soon I'll be living there as well! I think it's super cute and can't wait to get it all set up after the wedding.

This weekend we buy our bed ;)

We've already received some wedding gifts in the mail ;)

Next Thursday I have my first bridal shower!

I'm trying to keep running and watch what I eat so I can look good at the wedding.

The dress just needs to be cleaned, we need to finish our gifts for people, a few additional arrangements for the weekend need to be solidified, the favors need to be assembled, the flowers need to be approved, the cake needs a matching color, we meet with our officiants on Sunday to go through the ceremony and finalize our ceremony music.

Is it really possible? Is this really my life? Do I really get to merge my life, belongings, and everything else with my best friend, the one I adore, and one of the greatest men I know? How is it possible to love some one so much? And how is it possible that it gets better? And how it is possible that I could love him more in the future than I do today?

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