- Sometimes when I run Terwilliger it's disheartening when other runners don't seem to see me when I try and catch their eye to say 'hi'. I try not to take it personally.
- Mark and I spent last weekend with Steve, Michelle, and little Rian (his bro, sis-in-law and niece). It was awesome to hangout and relax and they were SUPER great to us!! I'm totally excited to be a part of the Peeples family!! I'm definitely blessed compared to what it could be!
- A couple weeks ago I accidentally purchased a base-coat nail polish instead of a top-coat (I never use a base coat). I couldn't return it and it wasn't cheap so decided to use it last Thursday night when I did my nails (I normally do them twice a week). The polish is STILL on with very minor chips and it's beena WEEK!! That stuff was worth every penny!
- Thank God for craigslist!! I found the perfect wedding dress, with the not-so-perfect price tag when shopping at Charlotte's on Monday night with some of my bridesmaids. Some random bride in Seattle decided to sell her dress, the exact one I want, in the exact size I need, hemmed to exactly my height, she's even including the under garments and shoes, for less than half the new price!! I'm waiting to find out for sure, but it's looking really good that I'll be able to get it!! My awesome future sister-in-law is going to look at the dress and if all is well, pick it up for me!! Yippee!!
- I have something scheduled EVERY night (and then something after that) for the next 3 weeks. Literally. I have something every weekend from now through July! Although about half of the activities are wedding events for me or Stacey. Fun! Next month is mostly graduations.
- Speaking of graduats, I have about 10-15 students graduating in the next few weeks. The graduation announcements have started coming ;) I'm excited for them, and sad for me that they are leaving!
- Last night we started sorting through Mark's apartment, getting him ready to pack/move next weekend. I LOVE doing stuff like that so I had a blast! We trashed his spare room as we pulled everything from the closet, emptied a shelf, and went through some totes. I thought it was fun but he was disappointed a seemingly lack of progress. We have much more to do. It's exciting that he'll be moving into "our place" and we get to start setting up house, even though I won't be moving in until after we are married.
- My friend (and bridesmaid), Noell, sent me a "happy you're engaged" package! It was full of fun little stuff!! Mark's mom also sent me a beautiful Waterford Crystal ring holder with a note that said now I have a beautiful place to put my beautiful ring when I need to take it off ;) My friend Stacey also got us a "happy you're engaged" gift of these fun books with 100 questions to ask about how well you know your bride/groom. Mark and I did them on the drive to/from Seattle last week and got about 15 wrong each... not bad!! ;)
Now I'm off to work on wedding planning stuff before Mark gets here with dinner.
A few pics from this weekend:
1 comment:
Yeah! I'm glad you enjoyed the package - I sure enjoyed mine! Love you friend!
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