One year ago this weekend, Mark and I got to know each other at the Sunset Quarterlife's retreat to Cannon Beach Conference Center. We actually noticed one another a week or two before that and only talked to each other for the first time the Wednesday before the retreat. There was an immediate connection. While at the retreat, the connection deepened and he invited me to join him to watch the "sunrise" (although since it doesn't rise on the west coast, we called it watching the sky "
brighten") at 5:30am on Sunday morning. It wasn't really my habit of accepting 5:30am hangout invitations from guys I didn't know very well, but there was something about him that made it worth the risk. We talked for over 3 hours that faitful Sunday morning. That's when it all began...
For the past three weeks, we have planned to go with Barb back to Cannon Beach (she was speaking at a retreat), for the day yesterday. We were excited when we realized it would be the 1 year weekend since the retreat last year. Last week I had told Mark that I really would like to get engaged that weekend, and that's when he started feeding me all kinds of lies to get me off the trail. It was a HARD week when, I thought, he was very real and honest about how he would not be asking me this weekend. I cried and he later told me that he felt HORRIBLE for making me feel bad, but it was totally worth everything to have it be such a surprise!
So yesterday morning we set out with Barb, after a quick stop at Starbucks. I had resolved myself to the fact that he would not be asking me that day and decided to enjoy celebrating 1 year from when we got to know each other. We didn't even need to talk about how one of the first things we would do after arriving at the beach, was to go find "the spot" where we had sat for 3 hours that Sunday morning.
We arrived a little early and drove around town (Mark later told me this was hard because he was so anxious). We finally parked at the conference center and Barb went off to find the group while we used the restroom and then waited at the car for her to come back and unlock so we could get our stuff out for the morning (she said she would unlock before she left, but forgot). Poor Mark, this seemed to take a while. When Barb got back, we gathered our stuff and headed down to the beach.
As we walked, we talked about where "the spot" was and how we could try and find it again. We knew it was past the little "river" that's on the north side of the beach. We looked for the log we leaned against that morning, but knew that was a stretch since people could have moved the log since then. We found a spot that we figured was close enough and spread out our blanket. I sat down and wondered why Mark didn't sit down as well, but stayed on his knees. While I wasn't paying attention, he pulled the ring from his pocket and placed it on my finger. was like a dream...
I don't remember much of what we said, but I remember bursting into tears... happy tears...
I was so shocked! All I could do was hug him and cry and finally said YES.
Here are some pictures of the best day of my life!!! So far!

Minutes after he asked me!! See the ring? There has never been a ring on that finger!!
The BEAUTIFUL ring!! He did SO good!!
The spot where he asked!
I am definitely the happiest woman that has ever been engaged to my best friend, EVER!! You may think that everyone is as happy as me and I only think I'm the happiest woman. But you are wrong. I'm the happiest woman ;) Not because he finally asked me or that I have always wanted to be engaged (although both of those are a true as well), but even more so because Mark is my best friend! I've had the best year of my life with him! He loves Jesus and wants us to grow in that area of our personal lives and relationship with each other, more than anything. He's my movie buddy, loves to be silly with me, laughs and smiles at me all the time, he seems to delight in me, he cares about me, he's sensitive towards others, he shows me how to be giving, it doesn't hurt that he's the best looking guy in the world!!! I am SO thrilled he has asked me share this life with him!
Thanks to everyone who has encouraged, supported and loved us along the way (so far) and even those who have gently expressed concerns. We could not do life and our relationship without those who have shaped us into who we are today.
Be watching for more news and dates and information to come!
YEAH!!! I get to be the very first (in the blog world) to say CONGRATUATIONS!!! I got shivers reading your post!! Yeah for the ring! It's a beauty!!
THAT IS A BEAUTIFUL RING!!! He DID do a great job!
I'm so happy for you! Let's go celebrate and get a manicure to make that ring look even better!!!
Just so you girls know...I was actually the first b/c I knew they were getting engaged before Carrie even did...AND I got to see them this morning! I WIN!! NO..really Carrie, YOU WIN!!! Congrats! Can't wait to be your "couple friend" as an engaged and soon-to-be married girl! I promise to remember your name too! :) Love to you both...
Carrie!!! CONGRATS!!! The ring is beautiful but the story is even beautifuller! I can't wait to see you in real life to give you a hug!
Mommie is so happy! What a girl, what a guy!
I KNEW he was a keeper! You said NOTHING about it when we saw each other this morning! Your head must still be a wee bit foggy! Congratulations to you both! Clearly the two of you have made each other so happy!
Now you need to update your 'about me' section and add 'fiance' to your list of descriptives!
Yay for surprises and romance!
I am so happy for you both. Your writing has been showing that 'in love' glow for a while now, so I am not too surprised! Congratulations!
Christina G
I will be the first guy to comment...WOW! So cool! I'm really happy for the two of you. Congratulations to you both!
Carrie! I'm so happy for you both!! This is such an exciting time your life. We'll have to go celebrate when I get back to Portland! Love ya girl! Tell Mark, Congrats too!
So how did you know to have your nails all polished up and cheery?!?!?! Congratulations and enjoy your engagement!!!!!!! Great ring, that's some rock!;)
I couldn't be happier for you! I am super excited that you're soon to enter the world of married people with me! I think that it's sooo cool that you and I are getting married within the same year - after going through the same struggles for the past several years! love ya!
Hey Carrie!
Great news...and congratulations! It is especially great to look back on the last few years that I have known you, and to see how the Lord has worked in your life, and how He has been preparing you for just such a day. Blessings, Sharon
Congratulations! You two looked so cute snuggling on the ski lift this past winter...I knew it would be a forever thing!!! ~tracy
Congratulations CJ - you will make a beautiful bride and a wonderful wife. I am so happy for you.
Melodie McDermott
Congratulations to a sweet niece! I am so happy for you!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you, friend! Whoo-hoo!!!!!!
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