Can you believe that DST is only a week from Sunday?!! I'm SO excited!! I'm a big fan of daylight being later in the day.
Today was an up and down day, but I'm going to focus on the up.
By 2:30 I still hadn't taken a "lunch" break (I normally eat at work and use my hour for lunch to do other things, like Starbucks dates with God). Although normally I think it's fun to take a late lunch, today I decided to see if I could just leave early instead of taking a lunch. So I did. It was AWESOME!! I left a little after 4 and it was still partly sunny. I hit the store for some dinner supplies and throw some money in my account, and was on my way to the gym by 4:30. I was SO excited about this!! Why, I have no idea but I just was. I think sometimes it feels like I'm just home so late every evening that I have just enough time to hop online for a second, make something to eat, eat, watch a little tv, hangout with Mark, and go to bed. Right now I have something every night of the week. Although 3 out of 5 days it's the gym.
Anyway, so I was on the treadmill by 4:50 and was very excited to have a head start on my evening. By 5:33 I had run my 4 miles and shaved off 1min and 15seconds from last week's time. Then I hopped on the stair climber for 15 minutes. I didn't get to finish with my usual stretching and ab routine because there were no mats available. I tried to hover, without looking like I was hovering, by pretending to be waiting for someone (I made this obvious by watching the door and looking at my watch). But I couldn't do that for too long before the 5 people using the mats might think I'm odd or something, so I just decided to bag it.
On the way home I stopped to pick up a new medication for my stomach. I found out the pills I'm taking are about $300 for a 30 day supply. Yikes!! That's $5 per pill (I take 2 a day). Thank God for insurance! Although I feel bad I'm making them pay so much.
I forgot to apply my memory verse today. "I pour out my complaints to him [the Lord], I tell him all my troubles." Psalm 142:2. Today I actually poured out some complaints and troubles to my dad, but he was really sweet about it and was so nice and gracious. Thanks Dad! I can't wait to spend 2 weeks with you exploring Europe!! I wonder if God gave me an opportunity to apply what the verse says and I missed it? I'm sure I'll have plenty more opportunities in the future ;)
Mark is coming over pretty soon and I need to get the potatoes in the oven, so I'm off.